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" 7 Mesh Motorcycle Jackets"

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" 7 Mesh Motorcycle Jackets" Empty " 7 Mesh Motorcycle Jackets"

Beitrag  skyzxc Sa März 12, 2011 5:15 am

abcdefg Original address: street-level English, United States slang author: tutor88LESSON1ATTHEPARTY!1.Wehadablast (happy) attheamusementpark! Westayedtherealldayandnight! we mad in the amusement park, where we stayed all day!2.I'veneverseenyousoupset! Ifyoudon'tgetagrip (to cheer, cheer up), I've never seen you so you'regoingtogetanulcel! annoying! if you don't take heart, there will be a sick!3.Getaloadof (carefully looked at someone or something) thenewdressIreneiswearing! I'veneverseenanythinglikeit! look at Irene to wear that new dress! I've never seen that kind of!4.Everytimemyauntcomestovisit,Shegetsonmycase (indiscreet criticisms against a person, nagging) becauseIdriveamotorcycleinsteadofacar. my aunt came to see me at a time, always because I don't drive a car but ride a motorcycle, oblivious to me. 5.Davidusedtobeverythinandweak.Nowhe'sbecomeahunk (handsome and strong man). David past and thin and weak. You can now become a handsome young man. 6.Youwantmetolendyoumoney? Noway (no belstaff door, it is not possible)! Thelasttimeyouborrowedmoneyfromme,ittookyouamonthtopaymeback! you want to borrow money from me? no door! last you lent me the money, it took a month to return!7.IthinkJoewasputtingyouon (a trick on someone, fun to play with) whenhesaidhehastenchildren.Hejustwantedseeyourreacion. Joe said he had ten children, I guess he was teased about your play. He just wanted to see how you react. 8.Myfatherisstartingtolosthishair.Inanothertwoyears,he'llprobablytogetarug (humor/derogatory wig). my dad had begun to turn around. After two years he may have taken fatao. 9.Ican'tstand (can't do not like) ournewmathteacher. Shealwaysgivesushomeworkontheweekend. I can't stand our new math teacher. She left us jobs at weekends. 10.What'supwith (what's the problem?/what?) yourbrother? Helooksreallyupsetaboutsomething what's wrong with your brother? he seems worried about something. LESSON2ATTHEMARKET1. Lookatthelonglineinthismarket! Theyneedmorecheckers (Treasurer of the belstaff sale supermarket). look at the shop in line with the long queue! the cashier before them. 2.Youdaughtermadethiscakefromscratch (food made with fresh ingredients themselves)? WhenIwasherage,Iwasusingpackagemixes! your daughter's own cake ingredients do? I at the time of her so much, use set of cake mixture. Imadeamistakeonthisdrawing.NowIhavetostartoverfromscratch (start/main). this piece is broken, I have a local art but to main again. 3.Thesmellofthatfreshbreadismakingmymouthwater (SB diet cokeon-set drool!) it smells of fresh bread makes me stimulate desire fo!4.I'mgoingtothemarket. CanIpickup (buy/incidentally) somethingforyou? I want to hit the market. Do you want to give you in passing about? 5.I'mgoingtofindacashiertoringup (settlement, billing) mygroceries. I'm going to the Treasurer to buy food and check out. 6.Youpaidathousanddollarsforthattelevision? Whatarip-off (theft, extortion/goods prices were too high)! Isawanidenticaltelevisionyesterdayforahundreddollars! the TV set you pay $ 1000? belstaff 556 it is blackmail! yesterday I saw one identical TVs only 100 dollars!7.I'mgoingtobuyanewcartoday. Thedealerissellingthematrock-bottom (very inexpensive/cheap) prices! today I'm going to buy a new car. Vendors are now selling prices super cheap!8.Doyouwanttogowishmetothedressshop? They'reslashingtheirprices (sale) would you like to go with my clothing store today!? they are on sale today!9.I'venevertastedsuchawonderfulpieinmylife! It'stodiefor (often means food or something else awesome)! I've never tasted so good of pie. Really great!10.Mymothermadeagreatdinnerlastnight.Sheservedchicken,rice,veggies (vegetable), andawonderfuldessert. and my mother had a big dinner last night. She made the chicken, rice, vegetables, there is a delicious dessert. LESSON3ATTHEMOVIES1. Isawaterriblemovieontelevisionlastnight.Theactorscouldn'tacttheirwayoutofapaperbag (very poor acting!) on TV last night, I saw an awful film. Actors acting was so belstaff trialmaster bad!2.Youhavetogoseethenewmoviethatjustopened.It'sarealblockbuster (extremely successful movie/films)! you've got to go watch that had just released a new film. It is large. 3.PoorGina.Sheproducedamoviewithherownmoneyanditturnedouttobeabomb (debacle, mess). poor Gina. She used her own money to set may result all messed up. 4.Icanonlystayatthismeetingforthirtyminutes,solet'sgettheshowontheroad (right now). I can only stay on this 30-minute, so we'll get started right away. 5.WhenIgothiredtoactinthemovie,Ithoughtitwasgoingtobeaverysmallpart.ButwhenIreceivedthescript,IdiscoveredthatIhadpagesandpagesoflines (actor)! I just apply when taking part in filming, I thought only play a minor role. Got the script, only to find I have a long long lines to the background. 6.Whentheactorwasinterviewedontelevision,heplugged (to lay Publicity, to lay Build momentum) hisnewmovie. the actor in TV interviews his new works. 7.Icouldn'tgetticketsfortheshowattheBijoutonight. It'sasellout (full)! Vicho performances can't buy tickets this evening. They have all been belstaff 554 filled!8.Megan'splaywasabombwhenitfirstopened,butitturnedouttobeasleeper (person or thing of getting people's attention, and increasingly popular). Megan drama when I first put on a very bad, but in the end I am getting hot again. 9.Let'sgoseethemoviearoundthecorner. Itshouldbereallygood.Thecriticsgaveittwothumbsup (supporters)! we'll go over there and go to the movies, it should be good. Critics on the film and expression. 10.Congratulationsonyourplay! Ireadagreatwrite-up (written commentary) abouttiinthe<losangelestimes>! Congratulations play success! I see on the Los Angeles Times, commentary, you play praise from!LESSON4ONVACATION1. WestayedinacharmingBandB (provides accommodation for guests and breakfast family hotel) inLondonlastsummer. last summer we stayed in a lovely family hotel in London. 2.IwantedtostayatthefamousRitzHotelinParis,butitwasbookedsolid (full, fully booked). I want to live the famous Ritz Hotel in Paris, but they have all been scheduled. belstaff motorcycle jackets 3.Insteadoftryingtofindparking,let'sjustgrabacab (take a taxi cab) andgoouttodinner. our taxi to eat out, so looking for parking everywhere. 4.I'mgoingtohangout (relax rest, shopping) bythepoolwithDebbietoday.Doyouwanttojoinus? today I'm going to swimming pool to relax and Debbie. Do you want to go with us? 5.I'mboredtonight. Ihaveanidea! Let'shitthetown (in town to play, usually refers to night-time entertainment) andgoouttodinnerandamovie! tonight on my nerves. I have an idea. We came to town to play, rubbing dinner, a movie. 6.Wewon'thavetopayanythingforahotelwhenwegotoLosAngeles. Ihavesomefriendstherewhocanputusupforthenight (the night). we don't have to spend to Los Angeles accommodations. I have a few friendsIs there. They can let the night. 7.ThisismyfirsttimeinRome.Ican'twaittogosightseeing (tourist!) this was my first trip to Rome. I can't wait and immediately wanted to visit. 8.Everyday,Iwakeupatsixo'clockinthemorning. ButnextweekwhenI'monvacation,I'mgoingtosleepin (night of sleep than belstaff leather jacket usual, stay up late, staying up late)!9.I'mgoingtoHawaiitomorrow! I'mnotgoingtodoanythingbutsoakupsomesun (Sun) andrelax! I go to Hawaii tomorrow! I don't want to do anything, I just want the Sun, relax. 10.Thepartywentonforhours! Westayeduptillallhoursofthenight (stay up all night long) dancing! party open for a long time! we are dancing all night!11.It'ssuchabeautifulwarmdaytoday. IthinkI'lltakeadip (swimming). really warm today. I would like to go swimming. 12.It'sbeenrainingalldaylong. Well,sincewecan'tdoanythingoutside,doyouwanttotakeinamovie (go to the cinema, the cinema)? it rains all day long. Anyway, to go out doing anything, do you want to go to the cinema? LESSON5ATTHEAIRPORT1. Isatnexttoamanwhowasairsickduringtheentireflight.Heneverstoppedusingthebarfbag (clean). sitting next to me that man yunwei, kept in the vomiting. 2.Mygrandmotherliveswayoutintheboonies (desolate place outside a town. remote areas). Ittakesushourstogettoherhouse. my grandmother lives in a very remote wax cotton jacket belstaff place, will take several hours to get to her home. 3.Igotbumped (reserve the seat was set aside on planes, trains) forbeingfiveminuteslate! NowIhavetotakealaterflight. my five minutes late, seats have been set aside. Now I've had to sit late flights. 4.WhenyougotoParisfortheweek,justtakeacarry-on (portable travel case). Thatwayyoucanavoidthelonglineatbaggageclaim. If you want to go to Paris this week, on the one hand luggage only, so you won't have to long queues at the baggage reclaim. 5.Asafrequentflyer (old passengers), and IcangetafreetickettoanywhereintheworldafterI'vetraveled100,00miles! my old passenger journeys after 100,000 miles, you can get a free ticket to any one of the world. 6.Inevergetjetlag (due to the difference between departure and destination as a result of fatigue and jet lag) whentraveltoEuropr.ButwhenItravelbackhome,I'mexhausted! a trip to Europe I have not jet lag. But the trip when they got home, I always feel exhausted. 7.OnourwaytoParis,wehadathree-hourlayover womens belstaff jackets (stopovers) inamsterdam. we're en route to Paris, three-hour stopover in Amsterdam. 8.I'mtakingthered-eye (red eye flights) toNewYorkinsteadoftakingaflightduringthedaytimebecarseIcansavealotofmoney. I took a night flight to New York instead of flight of the day, is because it can save a lot of money. 9.SinceIdidn'thaveareservation,theairlineputmeonstandby (waiting room). I do not have reserved seats, so the airlines let me waiting room. 10.Ialwaystravellight (with very few luggage, travel light), and evenwhenIgooverseas.ThenIcanbuylotsofsouvenirs! even if you travel abroad, I will always be light on my way. So I can buy a lot of souvenirs. 11.Aftertravelingfortwodays,I'mwipedout (exhausted, tired to lie). AllIwanttodoistogotobed! travel for two days, I'm tired to lie, just want to go to bed. 12.Afterallofthisexcitementtoday,Idon'tknowhowI'mgoingtosleeptonight. I'msowired (highly excited and very exciting!) really enough excitement. I had no idea that they can sleep tonight. I'm so excit


Anzahl der Beiträge : 9
Anmeldedatum : 05.03.11

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